Dr. Serge Autexier

DFKI, Standort Bremen, DE

Scientific CV:

Dipl. Inform. (Saarland University, 1996), Doctorate in Computer Science (Dr.- Ing, Saarland University, 2003), Research Assistant Deduction Systems Group (Saarland University, 1996-2001, 2003), Researcher (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Saarbrücken site, 2002, 2004), Senior Researcher (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, 2004-2008 Saarbrücken site, 2008-2020 Bremen site), Head of the "Bremen Ambient Assisted Living Lab" (DFKI, Bremen site, since 2014), Research Fellow of the DFKI since 2017, Principal Researcher (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Bremen site, since 2021), Visiting Scientist University of Birmingham, UK (2002), Visiting Scientist Carnegie Mellon University (2000, 2002) and Yale University, USA (2002), Visiting Scientist (EPSRC) University of Edinburgh, Scotland (1997, 2006).

Research focus:

Artificial intelligence, especially automatic and interactive reasoning; software engineering; formal methods; semantic technologies; document management; ambient assisted living; smart environments; AI and informatics in health and care.